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Adding a sitemap to Google Search Console can help to ensure that your website's pages are properly indexed by Google, and can increase the likelihood that your website will appear in relevant search results.

Written by NerdyCMS

Last updated

NerdyCMS generates a sitemap for every website create. Your sitemap URL will be {{domain}}sitemap.xml.gz.

Adding a sitemap to Google Search Console can help to ensure that your website's pages are properly indexed by Google, and can increase the likelihood that your website will appear in relevant search results. A sitemap is a file that lists all of the pages on your website, and can help search engines like Google to more easily crawl and index your website's pages.

To add a sitemap to Google Search Console, first ensure that you have a sitemap file created and uploaded to your website's server. From there, navigate to Google Search Console and select your website. Click on the "Sitemaps" option from the menu, and then click the "Add/Test Sitemap" button. Enter the URL of your sitemap file in the provided field, and click "Submit".

Once your sitemap has been added to Google Search Console, it may take some time for Google to crawl and index your website's pages. However, having a sitemap can help to ensure that your website is properly indexed, and can increase the visibility of your website in relevant search results.

Overall, adding a sitemap to Google Search Console is a simple but important step in ensuring that your website is properly indexed and can be easily discovered by potential visitors. By taking the time to create and upload a sitemap, website owners can help to increase the visibility of their website in relevant search results and drive more traffic to their website.