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To set up a CDN in admin visit "Storage" and select a new storage option. By default videos are stored on your local server.

Written by NerdyCMS

Last updated

Setting up a CDN, or Content Delivery Network, for video can provide numerous benefits for both the user and the website owner. A CDN works by distributing content across multiple servers in different geographic locations, allowing for faster and more reliable delivery of content to users.

For video, this means that users will experience faster load times, reduced buffering, and a smoother viewing experience overall. This is especially important for larger video files, which can take longer to load and may cause frustration for users if they experience buffering or lag. By using a CDN, website owners can improve the user experience and increase engagement with their content.

Additionally, a CDN can help website owners save on bandwidth costs by distributing content across multiple servers, rather than relying on a single server to deliver all of the content. This can help to reduce the strain on the website's server and prevent downtime or slow load times during periods of high traffic.

Overall, setting up a CDN for video is a smart investment for website owners who want to provide a high-quality viewing experience for their users and save on bandwidth costs. By leveraging the power of a CDN, website owners can improve their website's performance and provide a more enjoyable viewing experience for their audience.

To set up a CDN in admin visit "Storage" and select a new storage option. By default videos are stored on your local server.